Sport Pilot Instruction Costs
Introductory flights can be given in our P&M Aviation GTR trike, but unfortunatey due to insurance and economic
reasons aircraft rental for training is no longer available.
Sport Pilot training is given using the students own aircraft - very few, if any, Light Sport Aircraft and Trikes are
available for rent so if you are not interested in buying an aircraft getting a Private Pilots license is probably the best
option as GA aircraft are available for rent at most airport.
Advice is available to help the student buy a suitable aircraft which fits their budget and flying requirments - low and
slow, cross country, airport operation, rough field operation etc.
Training costs will include:-
Instructor (CFI) rate of $200 per flying hour in student’s own aircraft - if the lesson is over 70 minutes it is
prorated at a rate of $2 per minute. There is no additional cost for the ground briefing prior to and after the flight
Ground instruction $100 per hour - required for Pre-Solo instruction and log book endorsements, Cross Country
planning, Review of any written test failed question, Practical test ground preparation and log book
endorsements - typically this is about 6 hours.
Biannual Flight reviews are $350 including the 1 ground and 1 hour flight review.
Students can significantly minimize the costs by two actions:-
Fly regularly at least once a week preferable more often.
Make every effort to retain the information and skills you learn in each lesson - it is a good idea to make your
own notes after the lesson of items learnt. The number one reason for extended training time is information not
retained between lessons. For example if the correct approach for landing is demonstrated and practised in
lesson 4 and in lesson 5 we move onto landing and the correct approach procedure is forgotton then lesson 4
has to be repeated.
Unfortunately training for Ultralight part 103 (single seat) is no longer available - students must own a 2 seat Light
Sport Aircraft for training.
Sport Pilot minimum flight training hours is 15 - typically students required between 20 and 25 hour but I have had
student complete the training witin the 15 hours.
Training for a Weight Shift Control endorsement for existing fixed wing pilots is available, typically these pilots pick
up WSC very quickly most within 10 hours